Mutools Mulab Crack Rating: 7,9/10 667 reviews

When there is only 1 composition in a session, the session window only shows the session name and does not include that single composition name anymore. When recording a new sequence, no name editor pops up anymore, but sequence is name 'Recorded Sequence'. You can rename it whenever you want.

In rare specific cases editors could open with an improper size. Pitch-bend automation editing: Couldn't type in a negative envelope point value eg -50%. Fixed a sorting issue in the meta-parameter map table. Fixed a possible memory leak when quitting. Via right-click audio marker -> Edit it was possible to set the marker beyond the end of the audio. Some parameter values were not displaying decimals while intended. When deleting the audio file used by an audio part, the graphic was still shown.

* Audio Inverter module. Tuned: * Evolved MuVerb: + Includes a filter that colors the reverb only + Decay Time up to 100% + Instability parameter transformed into Turbulence Amp + Speed + Restyled editor * Finetuned audio alert when crossing limits in MuLab Free/XT, using a soft noise instead of a (creepy?) voice. * MUX icon changed to Mu-sphere. * AudioBalancer 1->2 and 2->1: Gain parameter modulation now uses multiplication instead of summing. * Finetuned auto-focus module behaviour, especially in the modular editor.

Mulab Serial Serial Numbers. Convert Mulab Serial trail version to full software.

Mixdown dialog: Added a button to quickly set the From-To to the composition loop. MUX New 'Modular Feedback Delay' module which can have any module in the feedback path, even a MUX, even a VST, even any combi of those. New 'TF Lowpass Filter' module. Wobble Modulator: New 'Curve' and 'Alternating Offset' controls resulting in more control over the resulting wobble. Modular editor now supports lasso select to move, copy and delete multiple modules at once.

When importing an audio file or sample loop, now the resulting part is put at a better position. VST plugins' 'Show Initial Delay' function replaced by 'Show Info' which shows more info, including the Initial Delay. Browser now memorizes tree list state in between changing 'What'. Browser: Auto Play button moved at left of progress bar + auto play controls are hidden if not applicable to current 'What'. Shortcut manager: Explicit 'Add' button. Audio editor now includes a little display that shows the current cursor time.

While moving markers in composer, audio- and sequence-editor, then the current marker position is displayed in the info box. When saving a preset file using a file name that differs from the object name, the popup question alert now explicitly includes both these different names.

Fixed a couple of potential problems wrt the 64 bit version. Info menu -> Tutorials link was broken. Fixed a possible memory leak when using audio parts.

Right-click on MIDI Focus Module Panel Keyboard (top-right) also includes the 'Auto MIDI Input Focus' selector function. (= on / off) When moving the vertical column dividers in the event list editor, the display was not properly redrawn. When editing a value and you can select the value via a popup list, then the current value now is clearly indicated. The left sides of audio- sequence- and envelope-editors all have the same width now in all cases. That makes it easier to align editors.

You can also use the mousewheel inside the H-S-L fields. MUX -> 'Show Preset Info' now uses a floating window instead of a modal window. MIDI controller names now include the CC number. Envelope parts show play cursor also after last envelope point.

Fixed a bug when deleting tracks with sub-tracks. Added protection against loading projects that contain invalid ghost parts as a result of the previously mentioned fixed bug. Single click in sample display did not clear selection.

Added a 'Choose From Library' function in the waveform context menu. When choosing a waveform from the library list, the current waveform is highlighted. VST editors: MuLab now gives keyboard focus to the VST child window. MUX Modular VST: Clicking in the main MUX VST editor window makes it grab the keyboard focus. MUX Modular VST: If there is a 'Startup Effect.Mux' / 'Startup Synth.Mux' in the user library, then this preset file will be loaded upon inserting MUX / MUX (Vst Synth) into the host. The 'Show Preview Monitor' function now automatically creates a new 'Preview Monitor' rack if necessary. Added protection against inputting invalid parameter values via the parameter's input dialog.

Renamed the term 'Session' to the more familiar term 'Project'. New Sinc-16 sample interpolation algorithm. Sinc-16 interpolation sounds much better when transposing samples which contains lots of high frequencies aka trebles. Tina turner discography torrent mp3 albums. When working with many tracks and audio parts, scrolling, zooming and editing the composer is (much) faster now.

Fixed: * Session -> Manage Audio Files didn't work as intended. * The 'Output' setting of multisample zones was not loaded/saved.

* User movie recorder now also includes indication of left/right mouse clicks. * Note editor: When drawing new notes, and the mouse drag ended at the left of the start point, no new note was drawn. Now things are working 100% as the preview outline shows. * Note editor: When drawing new notes, the length indication in the bottom-right info display was not correct. * Updated the factory New.MuSession. * Updated the Basic Synth preset. * MuVerb factory presets updated to MuVerb 2.

* MuSession files created with MU.LAB 3.2 are not downward compatible i.e. You cannot load them into MU.LAB 3.1.x or lower.

Fixed a bug wrt MIDI event processing for system MIDI messages like Active Sense etc. Fixed an issue wrt music time calculations, for example visual in looped sequence parts that were not drawn as looped.

Very short clicks on the keyboard in the top-right could result in hanging notes. Very short key presses on the virtual keyboard could result in hanging notes.

M4.1.8 ====== * The event outputs in the Session MUX are auto named to the respective MIDI output port. * Internal restructurings.

(in the audio file recording, in the window/screen manager. All in function of the Movie Recorder) M4.1.1 ====== * Improved multi-monitor support.

Tab key has been freed from hard-coded behaviour. So it's freely usable as a shortcut key. (Control + Tab still is reserved for stepping thru the open windows though). Right-click anywhere on a rack to popup the context menu. Knobs and sliders now step to more default values on Alt+click. Meta parameter editor: Minimum and Maximum values now use the effective parameter values. Modulation cable property panels are non-modal floating windows.

Finetuned display position of the window title text, avoiding the text to go under the window buttons. Especially relevant on OSX where the title text is centered. Finetuned the dialog for the 'Sequence -> Change.'

Fixed Audio file -> Rename Source File function was not working accurately when the new file name already existed. When muting a MuSynth/MuPad/MuSampla FX slot, and moving the module away from that slot, then this left a confusing virtual mute on the FX slot. When mixing down, MuLab now returns 'kVstProcessLevelOffline' to the VST 'audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel' opcode. Important for the behavior of some VST plugins during mixdown.

Extended log info for better diagnosing certain problems. MUX Vst now properly reports the effective host samplerate to VST plugins.

Modular editor now supports lasso select to move, copy and delete multiple modules at once. Improved editing of oscillator super layers. Samples: Added a 'Create New Sample From Selection' function. Further enhanced VST compatibility. Common Floating Window Bar gives more control over the floating windows.

Includes a Process On/Off switch Improved Audio Balancers 1->2 and 2->1: Balance parameter is modulatable. Now also have a crossfade curve. Finetuned editors. Improved Wobble Generator: Now also has a Process On/Off switch. Finetuned parameter strings. Finetuned MM Filter resonance. Filter Mod Depth parameter has been removed, use mod cable Amplitude or Mod Mapper.

Oscillators: You can drag-drop a wave file onto the display. When activating a synth editor, then the MIDI focus also is auto switched to this synth. VST plugin manager: multi selection possible => easier grouping. Others Support for template sessions.

* Faster generation of audio file overviews. * Modular Editor: Also module icon is shown.

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Pitch Bend values are displayed as percentage i.e. -100% to 100%. Little UI focus tweak in the MultiSampla editor. Fixed a practical issue with dragging parameters around on a MUX front panel. New preference 'AudioLevelSolidDisplay'. Fixed a potential crash bug in the UI system.

* When multiple audio recorder dialogs were open for the same audio recorder, changing the Chans (Num Channels) or Nrmlz (Auto-Normalize) was not reflected in the other. * Audio recorder panel now has tool tips for the 'Chans' and 'Nrmlz' properties. * 'Trim To Selection' now taken into account on save sample.

MUX Modular VST: Fixed a bug that could lead to crashes upon deleting the last MUX VST instance in the host. MUX Modular VST: Fixed a broken link towards the docs. MUX Modular VST: Optimized the 'Auto Bypass' function. Now you can use MUX VST to spare CPU cycles in hosts that constantly do plug-in processing even when the plugin is only processing silence. Fixed a bug in MuLab / MUX 64 bit VST host engine which could cause crashes, especially when using more than 4 GB RAM in the host address space. New 'Export' function for MultiForm Oscillator wavetables. Fixed a bug in the Create Multisample/Sequence Using Markers: In case of many markers the key could go beyond max key 127.

MUX VST: Possible improved behavior in certain hosts when the host deletes the MUX plug-in while the MUX editor is still open. Event monitor now also shows the block timestamp. Composer: In some cases looped sequence parts did not show all events in the part content overview. Fixed a bug in the Frequency Spectrum Analyzer when 2 editors of the same FSA are open eg in the front panel and in the modular area.

New preference 'Auto Loop Recorded Sequences'. New shortcuttable function: 'Edit Tempo Changes' now is a shortcuttable context function. Legato function now works to the next note anyway, independent whether the next note is selected or not.

Anymore, it will always do so. Event graph editor: When changing multiple selected velocity bars, and they all have the same velocity, no more popup question 'Change Absolute/Relative/.' Anymore as it doesn't make sense in that case. Note To Modulation Converter now has a Low and High Key which define the note key range. Notes lower than low key will generate the minimum value, notes higher than high key will generate the maximum value. If you don't want that notes outside the defined key range cause a modulation value update, insert a Note Filter before the Note To Modulation Converter. Event Graph Editor: Line edits are now end point inclusive.

When focusing modules (e.g. Racks), also the modular area reflects that by solo-selecting the focused module.

New 'Increase Tempo', 'Decrease Tempo', 'Half Tempo' and 'Double Tempo' shortcut functions. Part Editors Sequence editor now has two tools: The standard arrow tool (cfr M5) and the pencil tool which makes it easier to quickly insert and delete notes with a single click.

Finetuned the very default file selector location when saving a preset file. Enhanced audio filter algorithm resulting in even higher audio quality. LFO editors (also in MuSynth): Alt+click steps back in the wave formlist. And also the mousewheel can be used to select waveforms. More compliant hover cursors for UI splitters and window resizing.

New Bit Reducer module. New Samplerate Reducer module. Tuned All windows now properly do maximize/restore. So after a maximize you can restore to the previous position/size. Double-clicking a window title bar also does maximize/restore. On Windows, when clicking the MuLab window button on the taskbar, the MuLab window now properly minimizes/restores. Finetuned a detail in the module parameter handling resulting in even smoother parameter slides via UI or automation.

MU.LAB 3.2.4 Tuned * More smooth level meters. * Added a 'Refresh Overview' shortcut function for audio files for in case it's needed. * Finetuned the conditions for when an audio file overview should be recreated. * 'Reset Graphic Resources' now is a shortcuttable application context function. This is only relevant to skin developers. Fixed * When loading AIFF or WAVE files, any preset loop is properly applied.

Sequence editor takes some extra space at the right into account so to easily manage any markers (e.g. Loop-end) at the end of the sequence. 'Auto Collapse/Expand Racks' now is a standard context function and not only accessible via shortcut and right-click on the collapse/expand rack button, but also via right-click on mixing desk background.

When recording a new audio track, the track's MIDI channel is set to 1 instead of 'Per Part' * New: Integrated user movie recorder. * Fixed: Audio Inverter supports bypass. * Several other (internal) tunings. (in the audio file recording, in the window/screen manager.

Event Monitor now also has an event output, events are simply bypassed, but this way the Event Monitor is more usable in a rack. Event Monitor now also has a On/Off switch, and when switched off it pauses monitoring. Audio Envelope Follower: Improved algorithm for converting the audio envelope into a modulation signal. Much more accurate now. The level meter of a mixer strip (of a rack) now is draggable and represents the mixer strip module. MultiSampla: Pitch and filter LFO & ENV Amplitude defaults to 100% instead of 0%.

* While dragging envelope points the envelope wasn't played. * Racks: Mouse wheel events that occur inside the same vertical area as the mixerstrip do not scroll the rack desk for otherwise this may unintendedly change the volume/pan sliders. Next Generation Modular System More transparant, effective, easier and enriched modular architecture. New MuDrum module. New MuSynth VA synth module.

Racks can open-save presets. Hundreds of new inspiring patches. Extended sample library. Windows version: Optimized performance: MuLab 4 uses up to 35% less than MuLab 3! Composer & Sequencing Greatly improved support for working with sampled drum loops.

Audio Envelope Follower now has an On/Off switch for its 1ms RMS window. New preference 'Use VST Program Name As Default VST Name'. Improved Floating Windows Bar: The window buttons now toggle between show and hide. And a right-click closes the window. Each VST now memorizes its last bank/program file path, so next time you load/save a bank/program for that VST the browser will start at the last location.

New options to to manage the audio/sample files within the session's audio folder. Rack Sends popup menu now also include 'Copy As Parameter Event'. Improved VST engine. Tuned new VST naming algorithm: MuLab prefers to use the VST patch name rather than the VST plugin name, if relevant.

This entry was posted on 28.02.2019.